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Title (English) Sesame St
Title (Japanese) Sesame St

book cover

Fantasy Novel

Notes Sesame Street #2,p.43. Dialogue (from top left)
Girl 1:Friends! The evening date is now taking place.
Girl 2: Will xx-san become a man?
Girl 1: No, a woman
Girl 2: What!?
Girl 3: Idiots! xx-san should be getting together with Aniki.
Manga author/artist IZUMI Matsumoto
Date 1990
Publisher Jump Comics Deluxe
Edn. Language Jap
ISBN (review vol.) 4-08-858261-6 (vol #1)
Pages 202
Price Y600
Size 15x21cm
Synopsis Daily life in Tokyo.
Review This is a more grown up manga by the creator of ORANGE ROAD. The artwork is quite a lot more polished than the Orange Road and includes some very attractive panels. As for the story, the following appears on the jacket of vol.#2, and as it's there to encourage you to buy, why don't I just quote the whole thing:
"Hi! Maybe you've heard about the terrible accident my family suffered since I was with you last. There was an aircraft crash and my older brother Amemaru was aboard. His poor wife Chitose still believes he is alive somewhere and will be coming back soon. So the whole Fujiya family has rallied around to support her and embrace her in our love. In downtown Tokyo, we all try to pull together when something like that happens."
"With the tragedy still fresh in our minds, something else shocking happened. As you know, Tokyo is very, very crowded. It's so over populated that newcomers can find no place to live. That's why land prices have rocketed in the city. So many people desperately want land of their own, but there's none left. Then there are the evil men who try to cheat people out of their land, using all sort of nasty tricks. They're called Jiageya, which literally means 'land-snatcher'. They're pushing the price of land higher and higher, then make huge profits by selling at exorbitant prices. Now they're trying to take away our house! The company involved is Katusho Real Estate, and their agent is called Morinaga. They're trying not only to get our house, but that of Chitose, my brother's poor widow. Can you believe they could be so cruel?
What can we do? Of course, I cannot stand by and let it happen. I'm sure I can save the Fujiya family and Chitose. So watch closely, and see what Fujiya Keiki does next."
References (Note: Manga published in Italy, in translation.)


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