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Title (English) Shadow Star
Title (Japanese)

book cover

Fantasy Novel

Notes Shadow Star, Super Manga Blast. V1,#1, p.9, (Tr. by Dana Lewis & Toren Smith.)

She gets cuter.

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Manga author/artist Mohiro Kitohi
Publisher Dark Horse Comics
Edn. Language Eng
ISBN (review vol.)
Synopsis An intriguing science fantasy in which an elementary school girl is sent on holiday (by seaplane) to her grandma's on a remote island. There is a prologue in which a fighter plane chases a bony looking UFO - which probably confuses naive readers into thinking it belongs with another story, but trust me, it all falls into place by episode #3. In episode #1 Shina goes swiming and sees something odd on the sea-bed.
Review The drawings of the young girl are charming and alone are enough reason for following this story, and the alien contact story (if that's what it is...) looks intriguing. (GC)
References SHADOW STAR by Mohiro Kitohi, 23 page episode, Super Manga Blast.vol.1 no.1.


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