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Title (English) Tangerine
Title (Japanese)

book cover

Fantasy Novel

Notes Vol.8, page ?
Bashra & Shion
Manga author/artist Rumi VYSE
Publisher Rumi Vyse
Edn. Language Eng
ISBN (review vol.)
Pages 26
Price £2.00
Size 15x21 cm.
Synopsis This is a doujinshi manga, and as such is quite typical of the kind of manga drawn, written and self-published by Japanese girls. However, it's published by a Japanese woman living in London, so the text is in English.
Review It contains a nice colour frontispiece image , an amusing personal horror story, and an episode of Rumi's fantasy series about Himeko and Shion, and some personal notes from the author.
When I bought vol.9, I remarked to Rumi that Tangerine looked very "girly". I'm not sure she took that very well, (though I didn't mean it in a negative way) but it certainly sums up the feminine style of the magazine, from the artwork exampled below, the storylines and the characters. Male characters are sometimes dishy, some rather gay... The characters in the Himeko series are lively creations.
References If you want to know more, check Rumi Vyse's website at: Tangerine


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