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Title (English) Barefoot Gen
Title (Japanese) Hadashi no Gen

book cover

Fantasy Novel

Notes Barefoot Gen, The Day After, p.153: Tr. by Dadokai & Project Gen
First serialised in Japan 1972-3
Manga author/artist Keiji NAKAZAWA
Date 1988
Publisher Penguin
Edn. Language Eng
ISBN (review vol.) 0-14-025126-X
Pages 178
Price £7.99
Size 15x21 cm
Synopsis BAREFOOT GEN-The Day After by Keiji NAKAZAWA (Penguin), 178pp, £7.99, 15x21 cm.
The story of a young boy who survives the Hiroshima bombing. One of the Gen series, a classic anti-war manga written and drawn by a Hiroshima survivor.
Review If it doesn't make Americans, and anyone else in favour of using nuclear weapons, feel uneasy, then it certainly ought to. In fact the author places most of the blame on Japanese militarism, but nobody should feel exonerated. It powerfully makes the point that in war it is usually the innocent civilians who suffer the most.
Some scenes are rather gruesome, but this is inevitable given the subject matter of the story. A "Gen" volume should form part of any serious fan's collection.

The style may take a little getting used to; Nakazawa's art is plain and effective rather than stylish, and the young hero is frequently shown singing and leaping about, but this is a way of conveying his uncrushable spirit. (GC).


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