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Title (English) They were 11
Title (Japanese) Jyuuichinin Iru

book cover

Fantasy Novel

Notes They were 11,p.15
A dramatic incident on board ship.

Tr. Matt Thorn

Manga author/artist Moto HAGIO
Publisher Viz/Shogakukan
Edn. Language Eng
ISBN (review vol.)
Synopsis The story is that a group of space cadets are sent out on a training mission on which their abilities will be assessed. There should be 10 of them, but a head count reveals that there are 11, and they can't deduce who the 11th person is...

Review This is an American edition of the "They Were 11" manga. It's a space-going SF mystery story. Also, it being a shoujo manga, one of the crew seems to be rather feminine...
This is an interesting example of a shoujo "action" manga, with the uniquely shoujo balance of action and human interest. The artwork is in a somewhat distinctive style, and the eleven characters are well differentiated (which is more than can be said for a lot of manga!). What makes this good is the characters and the story; the science element is decidedly wobbly. [G.Cowie, BSc, MSc]
References There is also an anime version (see the OVA or shoujo anime lists).


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