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Title (English) TO-Y
Title (Japanese) To-Y

book cover

Fantasy Novel

Notes #1, p.124, Text, from top left:
About To-y
The latest was not as good as they want to see; uneasiness remains.
At last some good rocking!
The spotlight wll be on To-y.
Manga author/artist Atsushi KAMIJO
Date 1985
Publisher Shonen Sunday Comics
Edn. Language Jap
ISBN (review vol.) 4-09-121351-0
Pages 192
Price Y360
Size 13x18 cm.
Synopsis A story about a punk rock band, the lead singer, To-y, and a tomboy who follows them around. The band are as much into fighting as into music, and To-y attracts the attention of a powerful music producer by punching out her protege, who is being groomed for idol status.
Review To-y's cousin, Sonoko, also a singer, looks completely feminine in the manga (and is pursued by her lecherous manager), but is in fact a male... There is also an excellent OVA version with a splendid soundtrack performed by various Tokyo rock bands. The drawing by Kamijo (who showed what he could really do in the later SEX) is good even if you can't access a translation.
References Also an OVA & soundtrack CD.


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