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Title (English) Tokyo University Story
Title (Japanese) Tokyo Daigaku Monogatari

book cover

Fantasy Novel

Notes #4, p.76, Dialogue, from top left:
Girl :Me too... are you alone? ...
(Tr. by G.C.)
Manga author/artist Tatsuya EGAWA
Publisher Big Spirits Comics
Edn. Language Jap
ISBN (review vol.)
Pages 240
Price Y500
Size 13x17 cm
Review This is a fairly well-known manga. I can't tell you much about the story, which concerns the lives of students, but the artwork looks interesting. At first thumb through it looks well-drawn and normal, but the more one looks at it the odder and more distinctive it appears. The effect could be described as like manga on mild recreational drugs. (don't try it at home, kids!)
It's worth pointing out that whereas this particular volume, #4,"First Kiss, but above the village", is fairly innocuous, the imagery in some others is, shall one say, rather startling and frank in a Japanese sort of way. (GC).


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