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Title (English) Touch
Title (Japanese) Touch

book cover

Fantasy Novel

Notes Touch #4,p.54. Dialogue (from top left)
Write your class & name.
Crap handwriting.
Well anyway..

Tr. by GC.
Manga author/artist ADACHI Mitsuru
Date 1982
Publisher Mangakun Comics
Edn. Language Jap
ISBN (review vol.)
Pages 190
Price Y360
Size 12x17cm
Synopsis TOUCH is a school/sport story, about two brothers, the school baseball team, and their female friend who is appointed as manager (=team assistant). (Different from the Western concept of manager, but common in boy's sports manga)
Review Adachi wrote TOUCH and SLOWSTEP, both of which have been animated, as well as MIYUKI, etc. TOUCH is a school/sport story, about two brothers, the school baseball team, and their female friend who is appointed as manager. (Different from the Western concept of manager, but common in boy's sports manga). It might sound rather dry but there is plenty drama, human interest, and tragedy in the story. The art is unexciting but then the story is the important part. TOUCH and other Adachi works make a refreshing change from the kind of manga and anime usually popular in the West.

References A manga synopsis by Hitoshi Doi is available.


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