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Title (English) Video Girl Ai
Title (Japanese) Video Girl Ai

book cover

Fantasy Novel

Notes Video Girl AI #2, p.23: Dialogue (from top left)
Gokuraku: I don't think so. In fact, Youta Moteuchi is in need of "Ai"

Rolex: I'll decide what to do! Because I created "Ai".
(Tr. by KH).


Manga author/artist Masakazu Katsura
Date 1990
Publisher Jump Comics
Edn. Language Jap
ISBN (review vol.) 4-08-871801-1
Pages 190
Price Y390
Size 11x18 cm.
Synopsis Youta, the socially inept young hero, lives with Ai, (her name means Love) who materialised out of his TV set when he played a special video. (Note that 'Video Girl' videos really exist in Japan!) She encourages his romantic involvement with several schoolgirls.
Review VIDEO GIRL AI by Masakazu Katsura (Jump Comics), vol.2,190pp, Y390, 11x18 cm.
Though it is a fan favourite, the anime has not been released in many countries. The anime has been released in Italy (dubbed), and the manga in Italy and France. In Japan, the manga attracted complaints from PTA associations, and was cut as a result. The PTA complaints were to do with excessive nudity in suggestive scenes. Both cut and uncut editions are to be found.
(To satisfy your purient curiousity, check out Antarctic Press's MANGAZINE, #28.)
With the exception of the controversial scenes, the manga is quite mild compared with some things one could mention. The affair sheds an interesting light on Japanese mores , and illustrates that the manga industry rather than public opinon is pushing the permissive tendencies for which Japanese manga is notorious.
The art is superb, and the story is wonderful; in fact it surpasses most of the novels published for young adults in its sensitive portrayal of teenage love angst.
(Note: many of Katsura's manga production [Video Girl Ai, DNA^2, Present From Lemon, ZetMan. Shadow Lady] is available in Italian.)
A fan writes: If you have watched the VGAi anime, you would know that Katsura's debut work was Wingman (which I still regard as the BEST manga and anime series EVER). There is also a short fighting-team series (which was also pre-VGAi but don't know if its before or after Present from Lemon).
References Also an anime OVA series.


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