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Title (English) Weep For Love
Title (Japanese) AI Ga Naku Kara

book cover

Fantasy Novel

Notes Page 36 : Dialogue, from top left
Girl :Yes.
Now this throwing myself in had deliciously come off; bright-eyed again. ...
(Tr. by GC.)
Manga author/artist Otowa YAMANAKA
Date 1993
Publisher Hana to Yume Comics
Edn. Language Jap
ISBN (review vol.) 4-592-12629-7
Pages 192
Price Y390
Size 11x18 cm.
Review This is not a well-known shoujo manga. I have let my title translation stand; but to be precise the first kanji (which you can just see if you download the cover image) means "pupil of eye" but has a furagana "Ai" in katakana - obviously an elaborate pun. "AI" in Japanese means "Love."
I bought the manga at random because of the cover art. Inside it is drawn in a fairly simple and attractive style not untypical of shoujo manga; the pretty girl/pretty boy characters look rather appealing. It appears to be about school student love affairs. Worth checking out for the artwork.
The text includes "furigana" and should be relatively easy for struggling students of Japanese to read.


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