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Title (English) What's Michael
Title (Japanese)

book cover

Fantasy Novel

Notes What's Michael #4 (unnum.): (Tr. by D.L,J.S,T.S.)
Even if it's this much trouble, a cat is too proud to nap on the ground.
Manga author/artist Makoto Kobayashi
Publisher Dark Horse Comics
Edn. Language Eng
ISBN (review vol.) 1-56971-250-6
Pages 88
Price $5.95
Size 15x23 cm.
Synopsis A manga about a cat - or is it a whole series of cats? - and their humans.
Review It consists of episodes a few pages long, each illustrating some piece of cat behaviour, or cat/human interaction.
To quote an episode taken at random, the Boss drops in at a couple's home, and has to be entertained with the traditional Japanese hospitality, not helped by the cat acting up, and cat hairs getting in the boss's drink. Then the cat hides itself in the boss's bag, provoking his unwelcome return just as his hosts are saying how exhausting the visit was.
It's very well observed and very funny. The settings are typically Japanese, and the artwork is in a quite distinctive style, with the wide-eyed look of some of the characters being particularly hilarious. I highly recommend this - unless you hate cats of course. (GC).


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