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Title (English) Wind-Park
Title (Japanese) Uindo-paku

book cover

Fantasy Novel

Notes Dragon's Seal, p.111, Dialogue, from top left
To Archer :Shoot!
(evening-wanderer ...sandman..sand spirit..An evil command; if hit in the eye (the dragon) will die..
Die, evil god-spirit .
( G.C)
Manga author/artist
Publisher Ace Five Comics/Shobunkan Comics
Edn. Language Jap
ISBN (review vol.)
Pages 146
Price Y830
Size 15x21 cm.
Review This is an anthology of short manga by various artists, collected into tankoubon form. How many of you knew that such volumes existed?! But what exactly is it? And who is responsible? The cover has a clutter of names: "Special Volume, Ace Five Comics" in small katakana, then "Uindo-paku 2" in katakana, something about "auntie's mole" and the names of the various artists featured inside. At the bottom is a string of kanji that translates as "super-shiny other" and seems to be the name of the "packager" as the same kanji also appear in the copyright statement on page 143. As if that wasn't enough, SHOBUNKAN COMICS appears on the spine.

Inside are more curious things; half page ads for more SHOBUNKAN anthologies, and, in a separate section, forty fannish-looking thumbnail drawings with descriptions. The format will be instantly recognisable to those who have ever had one of those bulky Harumi Comic Market calalogues in their hands. Most intriguing.

That's enough about the volume. The story I have featured is called DRAGON's SEAL and it's by HIKASA Yuuki (pp. 89-112). It seems to be about a girl and her dragon. The artwork is rather good, (probably why I bought this second-hand volume in the first place), and evokes a period Middle-Eastern type background in some detail. It looks like the heroine befriends the dragon and/or frees it from captivity. (GC).

References UINDO-PAKU by various (Ace Five Comics/Shobunkan Comics), vol.2. Anthology.


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