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Title (English) Yatteranneeze! vol 2
Title (Japanese)

book cover

Fantasy Novel

Manga author/artist AKIZUKI Kou / KOIDE Emiko
Publisher Tokuma Shoten
Edn. Language Jap
ISBN (review vol.)
Price Y560
Review Yatteranneeze! vol 2
story by AKIZUKI Kou, manga by KOIDE Emiko
Tokuma Shoten, Y560 (
Is there an Akizuki fan still here? Well, if you are, you can certain-
ly enjoy this one. This got everything you want: well organized plot,
intresting charas, and enough etchness. Koide is skilled enough to make
all those work as a manga, and not an ill.s book with texts. Someone
somewhere described her drawing to be "jouhin (in a good taste?)" and I
agree. How nasty things got in a story, her drawing never looks dirty.
The story is about HUJIMOTO Yuuya, MASAKI Takashi, and their relation-
ship. Yuuya, 16 (assumed), got sick of being an expected good boy and is
trying to change himself to be what he want him to be. To do it, he
asked Takashi, a cool classmate who "knows things" best in school, to
guide his way. As they spent time together, the way they feel about each
other changed, and they grow up. In this 2ed vol, Takashi realises his
feeling toward Yuuya, after SAITA Kanae, who has a casual sex relation-
ship with Takashi, tries to have a bit of fun with innocent Yuuya.
Also, the story has a 2edly couple, Kanae and Takashi's older brother
Chisato, which you can see a grimps of it in the end of vol 2, but have
to read AKIZUKI Kou's novel to read a whole thing. So far the series has
up until vol 3.
(Mikiko Yoshida)


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