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Title (English) Yawara! (J)
Title (Japanese) Yawara!

book cover

Fantasy Novel

Notes Yawara #1,p.107.
(eye-catch drawing for chapter 6)

( Dialogue (from top left, p.106)
A: What's become of Kawano?
B: If your team doesn't have all its members, the match is off.

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Manga author/artist Naoki Urasawa
Publisher Big Comic Spirits
Edn. Language Jap
ISBN (review vol.)
Pages 218
Price Y500
Size 13x18 cm.
Synopsis Sports manga: ambitious grandfather coaches typical schoolgirl to become judo champion.
Review This is a very well-known sports manga that has also been animated. To quote the title page, "Lovely and cute Miss Yawara Inokuma is a fashionable judo girl!" Yawara is the grand-daughter of Jigoro, a former judo champion. Jigoro has trained Yawara in judo, hoping to make her a champion. She clearly has talent, but doesn't like judo and wants to be a normal high school girl and do the normal girlish things.
In the first volume, she attracts the attention of Matsuda, a reporter, by throwing a bag-snatcher in the street. Yawara likes Nishikimori, a school student, but he gets scared after Yawara beats up some dropouts who threaten him. Then she and Jigoro encounter Sayaka, a rich but bored and eccentric sports enthusiast.
Jigoro fixes for Yawara to take part in a school judo tournament.She throws several of her huge opponents and the team wins, though she'd rather have gone shopping.
The drawing below is from one of the title pages; one of many drawings that remind the reader that Yawara is a girl.
Even if you have no interest in judo, the facial expressions are amusing and the story is fairly easy to follow from a synopsis.
References Also a TV anime.


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