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Title (English) Yume no Ishibumi
Title (Japanese) Yume no Ishibumi

book cover

Fantasy Novel

Notes Yume no Ishibumi #1,p.58-59 The text is a chapter heading. It is hard to translate out of context.

There are 20 volumes in this series.

Manga author/artist KIHARA Toshie
Date 1984
Publisher PF Big Comics
Edn. Language Jap
ISBN (review vol.) 4-09-178501-8
Pages 190
Price Y480
Size 12x17cm
Synopsis Apparently this is a series of short stories.
Review I bought a copy of Toshie Kihara's Yume no Ishibume (Dream's Stone Monument) because the line art looked good, only to discover when I got it home that there was some breathtaking half-tone art at the chapter intervals (see pic). This manga seems to be a shoujo (girls') samurai period drama, and all the costumes and settings, through informally drawn, are lifted directly from the world seen in traditional graphic art. It's not too surprising therefore that the featured illustration, despite its modern posing, is strongly reminiscent of lavishly costumed Edo period prints.


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