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Title (English) Kimagure Orange Road
Title (Japanese) kimagure orange road

book cover

Fantasy Novel

Notes Kimagure Orange Road #7, p.16
Kyouske: Did she do something?
Hikaru: No, it's nothing. Good night.
(Madoka hangs up the phone)
Hikaru: Oh, the phone got cut off?
Hikaru: It's OK! I have to call Madoka's parents.
(tr. by HD)

Also in a 'wideban' edition.

Manga author/artist Izumi Matsumoto
Date 1984
Publisher Jump Comics
Edn. Language Jap
ISBN (review vol.) 4-08-851711-3 (vol #1)
Pages 290
Price Y370
Size 11x18 cm.
Synopsis Boy with mysterious girl and cute younger girl in love triangle. Psychic powers add complications.
Review For the uninitiated,it's the story of a love triangle comedy between a high school boy, Kyouske, with psychic powers, and two girls, the pert & pesky Hikaru and the beautiful and mysterious Madoka, neither of whom know of his secret.
KOR is something of a fan favourite among those fans who like cute stuff with interesting characters. One can easily get hooked on the soap-opera storyline! The animated episodes follow manga chapters fairly closely; 48 subtitled TV episodes are available from fan subtitlers Arctic Animation.

References Also an anime [TV & OVAs available from Animeigo (US); OVAs MVM (UK),].


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