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Title (English) Ayashi no Ceres
Title (Japanese) Ayashi no Ceres

book cover

Fantasy Novel

Notes Manga by Yuu WATASE, Dates: 1996; Publisher: Shogakukan
French edition by Tonkam, date 2000.
By the author of Fushigi Yuugi.
Manga author/artist Yuu WATASE
Date 1996
Publisher Tonkam (year 2000)
Edn. Language French
ISBN (review vol.)
Pages 180
Price 32 FF
Size 11x17 cm
Synopsis Ordinary schoolgirl soon gets involved with very strange stuff, with supernatural visitors, near fatal accidents, and her family trying to kill her on her 16th birthday.
Review I have not had it long enough to study the text, but it certainly has attractive artwork and the scenes look dramatic. Watch this space.
References Also an anime.


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