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Title (English) Shaman King
Title (Japanese)

book cover

Fantasy Novel

Notes "A human who can see a phantom can't be evil. No question about it."

In Japanese page sequence (starts at back).

Manga author/artist Hiroyuki TAKEI
Date 2000
Publisher Dargard Benelux
Edn. Language French
ISBN (review vol.) 2-87129-277-9
Pages 208
Price 31.35 FF
Size 11x17 cm.
Synopsis Ordinary schoolboy acquires shamanic powers.
Review I have not had it long enough to study the text, but it looks quite fun. One for the boys. Watch this space.
References Manga by Hiroyuki TAKEI, Dates: 1998; Publisher: Shueisha
French edition by Dargard Benelux, date 2000.



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