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Title (English) Tokyo Babylon
Title (Japanese) Tokyo Babylon

book cover

Fantasy Novel

Notes (Vol.1, p.55)
Hokuto: Idiot! What couple lives in Tokyo without going to TokyoTower? The high speed of return on the MZA or Bay Bridge making you procrastinate a lot, when it becomes early morning, on this Tokyo's historic highest observation deck, it's better to be intoxicated on night scenery.
Subaru: That's not what I was talking about..
Seishiroh: Sorry.
Seishiroh: You were still working, weren't you?
Seishiroh: Hokuto, we'll eat parfaits or something and wait.
Hokuto: Sei's treat, right? (Tr. by SS)

TOKYO BABYLON Vol.1 (Clamp/Shinshokan), 140pp, 15x21 cm, Y580.

Manga author/artist CLAMP
Date 1991-3
Publisher Shinshokan
Edn. Language Jap
ISBN (review vol.) 4-403-61250-4
Pages 140
Price Y580
Size 15x21 cm
Synopsis Black magic in Tokyo.
Subaru, descendant of a clan of powerful mediums, disposes of various spirits which are troubling the city of Tokyo. There's a lighter sub-plot of a love triangle involving Subaru, twin sister Hokuto, and another medium, Seishiroh.
Review CLAMP are currently one of the hottest creative teams in Japan. The Osaka-based all-female collective has produced a number of shoujo-style manga including RG VEDA, "X", and Magic Knight Rayearth, most of which have been animated. Typically, this volume has a black and red cover and full colour frontispieces.

The story( if you can follow it) is quirky and interesting, and the art is attractive. (GC).


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