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Title (English) MANGA VIZIONS
Title (Japanese)

book cover

Fantasy Novel

Notes US translated anthology magazine, now discontinued.
Manga author/artist
Publisher Viz Comics
Edn. Language
ISBN (review vol.)
Pages 80
Price $4.95
Size 18x26cm.
Synopsis This was Viz's monthly general manga anthology; probably the first translated manga anthology to appear in English.
Review It was unusual in including a significant amount of shoujo manga, and some stories by Rumiko Takahshi, as well as the more predictable violent stories for boys. Some back issues bear the legend "North America's only Monthly Manga Anthology" - please bear in mind that this is NOT currently true: as well as Viz's own PULP, other monthlies and bimonthlies, eg. MixxZine, exist. The large pages display the artwork to advantage. The only advertising,asides from a Viz catalogue inside, is on the front inner and back covers. Inner pages are B&W on newsprint type paper. Usually, there are 3 episodes in each volume, but as up to 4 stories are running at any one time, some stories skip an issue or two.
For more info, contact Viz or J-Pop. (GC).
References Steam Detectives
Black Jack
Samurai Crusader
Ogre Slayer
Jewels of the Seaside
The Skin of her Heart


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