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Title (English) GTO
Title (Japanese) Great Teacher Onizuka

book cover

Fantasy Novel

Notes Trans.What are you doing, Onidzuka-sensei!!
Bubble 15 Character: Principal Uchiyamada
Are you ok Kanzaki? Are you hurt!?
Bubble 16 Character: Kanzaki Urumi
Bubble 17 Character: Kanzaki Urumi
Bubble 18 Character: Principal Uchiyamada
That beast didn't make you do anything strange did he?
Bubble 19 Character: Kanzaki Urumi
Bubble 20 Character: Teacher
Dammit what the hell were you doing!? Guys like you are just goddamn trash, trash trash
Bubble 21 Character: Onidzuka Eikichi
But that chick did some bad stuff and so I thought I would torture her a bit, ah, no, give her a sermon....
Bubble 22 Character: Teacher
If there is a scratch on this girl, you will have to make your excuses to the Ministry of Education! Eh!?
Bubble 23 Character: Principal Uchiyamada
Please calm your heart down. Suu-haa-suu (??)
Bubble 24 Character: Kanzaki Urumi
I'm ok Principal Uchiyamada
Bubble 25 Character: Onidzuka Eikichi
Ministry of Education-?
(English by D.Evans)

Vol. 7 is ISBN 4--60312559-9
There is also a TV anime.

Manga author/artist Fujisawa Tooru
Date 1998
Publisher Shonen Magazine Comics
Edn. Language Jap
ISBN (review vol.) 4-06-312559-9
Pages 191
Price Y390
Size 12x17cm
Synopsis Onizuka is a tough guy, a former biker, not unusually bright, who becomes a teacher partly because of the lure of delicious young girls. (Yes, he's a lecher). However it turns out that he's a good teacher with a knack of subduing uncontrollably delinquent students and winning them over. Some of the staff support him, while others resent him and his unorthodox methods.
He often gets into trouble while trying to help his students.
Review In this volume Onizuka is in hospital, having been shot while rescuing one of his students from a kidnapping. The Press mob the school amid rumours that Onizuka was trying to buy drugs. One of the administrators is only too ready to distance the school from Onizuka, while another supports him. Two important parents arrive, but have come not to complain, but to thank Onizuka for saving their daughter.
Later in this volume, Onizuka gets into trouble over Kanzaki Urumi, a very bright girl but a "class terrorist".
Clearly a lot of fun, and doesn't exaggerate the situation in some schools - at least not much :-)
A hit!
References Trans. on WWW at


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