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Title (English) Section Head Shima Kosaku
Title (Japanese) Kacho Shima Kosaku

book cover

Fantasy Novel

Notes Manga by Kensi Hirokane, King Comics,1991. Tankuobon 13x18 cm, 220p, Y500?
Vol 12 is ISBN 4-06-102749-2
Also US bilingual edition in "Mangajin" magazine and also bilingual version published by Kodansha.

Trans:Kagami-kun, could you bring two coffees please?
In Japan on business?
Ah! Thank you very much!
Hee, you speak Japanese well. When did you learn?

Manga author/artist Kensi Hirokane
Date 1991
Publisher King Comics
Edn. Language Jap
ISBN (review vol.) 4-06-102749-2 (vol #2)
Pages 220
Price Y500
Size 13x18 cm
Synopsis Shima Kosaku is a young salaryman who tries to progress his career. He also gets involved with various women.
Review In this volume Kosaku meets a rather naughty woman, gets involved with a fatal shooting, gets beaten up, and also gets laid. Yes, this is an adult manga.
The depiction of business life is often realistic, and this volume certainly looks exciting. The art is quite good too.
References Translated edition


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