New season anime (Continued)

Sola: Moderately intriguing anime which starts with a boy, obsessed with photographing the sky, who meets a strange girl, and buys a doll. He makes a hospital visit and presents the doll to a sick girl (his sister?) only for it to be lobbed into a bin on top of a lot of others.

The episode ends leaving the naive viewer wondering what’s going on. Actually I cheated a bit and Googled for this title, whereupon I found quite a lot of information. Seems several characters are a kind of demon and Sola is really about demon hunting.

I wasn’t inspired to get any more of it but others may differ.

Fushigiboshi no Futagohime (Twin Princesses of the Mysterious Star) An anime set in an improbable “stellar” world and having as its twin heroines two badly behaved and un-regal princesses. Sunny, funny and as sweet as candy-floss, this is a perfect anime to show to little girls, who will enjoy its bright toy-box designs and simple plotting. I suspect some more mature viewers will have fun with it too, though some old farts may find it’s a bit young for them.